Hen's teeth

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. - Philip K. Dick

Friday, January 04, 2008

Senator Jeff Sessions is Responding

It must be one of the wonders of the election season. Jeff Sessions has been responding to my letters. They are even on topic, although full of Bush talking points. Could he actually be worried about his upcoming election?

Now if I could just get him to answer a few of my questions.

- How is it pro-life to vote against SCHIP?

- How can he accept government-run health care, but deny it to the rest of us?

- Why is amnesty great for big telecom companies, but bad for illegal immigrants?

- How can he say he supports the troops if he votes down funding just because it asks the president to try to bring the troops home? How can he vote against giving soldiers time off between deployments?

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At January 05, 2008 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

High ranking state and federal Republican officials in Alabama are above the law; Bush has instructed his new Attorney General appointee not to investigate corruption in Alabama.

The GOP is deeply involved in the Jack Abramoff and Michael Scanlon scandal. Lobbyist Jack Abramoff who was a major GOP campaign fund raiser has almost 400 recorded visits to the White House. The documented prison confessions by these two along with these White House records have recently been declared secret by Bush and is being withheld by the White House. Abramoff and Lobbyist Scanlon con over sixty million dollars from the six Indian tribes that ran gambling Casinos. Abramoff also arranged secret meetings for foreign businesses and governments with the White House where Bush granted government and military favors in exchange for major campaign contributions to Bush supporters.

Now the GOP in Alabama has to depend on T. Roth and W. Canary to deal with the Choctaw Indians directly. The Choctaws aren’t the only ones that they are using scare tactics on. The GOP depends on contributions from large businesses in return for political favors. They also depend on kickbacks from military/government contractors. Some contractors in Alabama are charging tax payers as much as 80% over costs.

-We will support our present U.S. Republican senators, our U.S. Republican congressmen and our Republican governor.
-We will support our high ranking Republican judges, our Republican attorney generals and our three republican newspapers owned by Newhouse/Advance Publications, Inc. that persecutes and prosecutes those darn Democrats that keeps getting in the way.

At January 07, 2008 8:21 AM, Blogger supersoling said...

just thought to leave a note to let you know that I enjoy and agree with most, if not, of your comments at BMT and have read a little here, though you don't write so often :o)
I have a blog myself, two actually, but haven't had a desire to write in months and months. To tell the truth, I'm a little defeated right now having seen the anti-war movement, such as it was, evaporate completely. And the election garbage is all just more of the same, only delivered by different people, so that too is a bit discouraging to say the least.

But, there are still islands of sanity and I consider your comments as one of those islands.
Take care,

At January 07, 2008 2:58 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I enjoy writing, but my day job & family often keep me too busy/worn out.

It does get discouraging sometimes, especially deep in republican land. But I try not to stay down for too long. I like to think that eventually, all the little efforts will add up to a better world for our kids.

At January 08, 2008 7:52 AM, Blogger supersoling said...

You're welcome,
For me the discouragement comes and goes but like you, I don't let it keep me down too long. But I think I've shifted into a kind of ride out the storm place instead of continually hammering away at walls that are still a little too thick to break through. I'm becoming more focused on what I can do to prepare and protect my family from whatever awaits. Gaianne's writing has always interested me for those reasons.
Gotta get going...

At January 11, 2008 1:50 PM, Blogger dan said...

Cheryl, I loved your questions but I completely understand why Sen. Sessions might not. Hypocrisy is uncomfortable to defend.

At January 12, 2008 9:45 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I enjoy making hypocrites uncomfortable. Maybe I should send the questions to some reporters. I could hit two hypocrites with one question ;)

Think they would get uncomfortable enough to ask the questions on the record?


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